Seeing the new shiney Space Hulk model's I took it upon myself to have a go at painting a Blood Angel up using the paint suggestions in the new White Dwarf magazine.
I must admit I was fairly surprsied with the outcome. I have posted two pictures below, one is without flash and the next is with the flash. Now looking at these, I realise how much better pics will look with a porper light box, so I am going to make one over the next few weeks.
The one on the right is probably closest to what the model looks like, however it is showing imperfections that are not apparent in real life, so its kinda strange. Anyhow's I have some proper troops to test it out on including some assault squads and some heavy weapons teams, so once I get a chance, I will post them here.
For you Imperial Guard fans, fear not, they are still in the pipeline, I am just taking my time with them at present.
looking good, now just add a few khorne symbols and it will be perfect :P