Saturday, 20 February 2010

Once more unto the breach!

As I stated in my last post, I have got back into painting and modelling my Imperial guard. I really do like the idea of vast numbers of troops and armour forging its way across an endless battle and the Guard just fit that role perfectly.

So lately I have been working on the armour side of my guard for a brief break from the troops.

Firstly, I have done some more work to my Chimera. There is a lot still to do, but I am trying out different techniques and the like.

I purchased the forgeworld painting guide and it has lead me to a realisation that I need to purchase a proper air brush and compressor. So next month, thats what my spends will be on.

Next I decided to paint the first of many Leman Russ's I plan to have. I have another 2 sitting in a bag waiting to be built, but I thought i'd see how quickly I could get onbe to a standard where it might pass for completed on the tabletop.
I painted the tracks on the sprue and drybrushed the colour on the tank on tope of a black undercoat. It seems to work reasonably well to getting it to a very basic tabletop standard.

I tried to make the plasma coils look like they where building up and I thought the blue would offset the drab colours of the tank colours.

Today I finally built the 2nd of my super heavy tanks. I love this kit, it is just such a nice model to build. I can see my buying a 3rd tank to make a shadowsword at a later date but at the moment I am happy with the 2 of them.

The size in comparrison to the Chimera is quite shocking. The poor Chimera is just dwarfed.

I have even found the time to work on my Valkyrie. It had a grey undercoat and I am doing the shading at the moment. the idea I have for my force is that all ground vehicles will be brown with a little bit of grey added in as camo, but my airforce will primarily be grey. It seems to look reasonably okm, but I have a lot of work to do.

I do love this model and once it is finally complete, I may just have to purchase a vendetta to go with it. however before that I will probably pick up a Malcador as I think that is a gorgeous tank!

Monday, 15 February 2010

More paint on models

So again I have found the inclination and time to put paint to my models. Now i'm not doing anything spectacular with them, I am just trying to get them up to a reasonable tabletop standard.

Firstly my battlewagon is getting some attention. I have given it the classic 'red' paintjob that orks love as I want it to be part of my Kult of Speed.

This paintjob was quick and easy with 4 drybrush layers. 2 where of scab red and the last 2 where of blood red. I do plan some final highlights, but they will be done once I have the other areas base coated.

The following is where I am at with my Kommando's. I wnet for a colour scheme that almost matched my imperial guard army. Again I have just got a few coats on them, but I am happy with the progress.

Here is where I am at with Snikrot. The camera doesnt show the details, but again I am just using my phone for taking these.

Now on to what I am most pleased about.
I have managed to get back in the mood for doing my Imperial Guard. I have been doing some work on my Valkyrie, but I have left it at a friends so no pics unfortunately.
I decided to do some more work with my command squad. The only things I have left now are to finish off the banner and to do some final highlights on the weapons and metallics.

As you can see I decided to go for an Inyandun Sun stripe as their platoon markings, which is also carried over to the flag as well. This should help to keep the army looking more coherent.

The following is my first completed basic trooper. I have a lot that just need their bases done to finish, but this just gives you an idea of where I am going. As you can see he has a different helmet from the command squad, but the fluff I am writing indicates that only the 'inportan' groups get the good anti virus/bacteria gear and the troops get the older stuff.

I hope you like and as per usual all comments and criticism welcome.
Oh I also found my good camera last night so I can see a photo fest taking place!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Working on everything

So i'm sill here and believe it or not I am actually painting.

I have been working on so many different things at the moemnt that its hard to keep track but the way I see it... i'm working on them!

I have been having problems locating my good camera, so this post wont be full of wonderful pictures to go with each step, but I did manage to grab a couple of cack photos with my phone.

Firstly a list of what I have been working on:

Troops 1 - 10 man squad, built, undercoated and base colours.
Troops 2 - 10 man squad built and undercoated.
Heavy Support - 3 teams built and undercoated.

Stompa - Built
Character's (all except mad doc grotsnik & Snikrot) - Built.
Snikrot - Built, undercoated and half painted (I know, shock horror!).
Battlewagon - Built, undercoated and half painted (I must be ill).
Kommado's - Built, undercoated and half painted (I really must be ill!).
All other ork purchases including bikes, storm boys, 2 black reach lots and various others - Built & half undercoated.

Seer Council - Half built/half dry fitted

The seer council is one of the units that is going to take time to complete. I plan to have the Farseer and Warlocks magnetised on to a base which holds a jetbike. This will allow me to use them as mounted, but it will also allow me to reattch them magnetically to a basic base so that they can be on foot.

To see how I am getting along with them, see below:

I will take some pictures of the other models talked about in this post and get them added at a later date! (just need to find that elusive camera, or borrow a mates)