Monday, 15 February 2010

More paint on models

So again I have found the inclination and time to put paint to my models. Now i'm not doing anything spectacular with them, I am just trying to get them up to a reasonable tabletop standard.

Firstly my battlewagon is getting some attention. I have given it the classic 'red' paintjob that orks love as I want it to be part of my Kult of Speed.

This paintjob was quick and easy with 4 drybrush layers. 2 where of scab red and the last 2 where of blood red. I do plan some final highlights, but they will be done once I have the other areas base coated.

The following is where I am at with my Kommando's. I wnet for a colour scheme that almost matched my imperial guard army. Again I have just got a few coats on them, but I am happy with the progress.

Here is where I am at with Snikrot. The camera doesnt show the details, but again I am just using my phone for taking these.

Now on to what I am most pleased about.
I have managed to get back in the mood for doing my Imperial Guard. I have been doing some work on my Valkyrie, but I have left it at a friends so no pics unfortunately.
I decided to do some more work with my command squad. The only things I have left now are to finish off the banner and to do some final highlights on the weapons and metallics.

As you can see I decided to go for an Inyandun Sun stripe as their platoon markings, which is also carried over to the flag as well. This should help to keep the army looking more coherent.

The following is my first completed basic trooper. I have a lot that just need their bases done to finish, but this just gives you an idea of where I am going. As you can see he has a different helmet from the command squad, but the fluff I am writing indicates that only the 'inportan' groups get the good anti virus/bacteria gear and the troops get the older stuff.

I hope you like and as per usual all comments and criticism welcome.
Oh I also found my good camera last night so I can see a photo fest taking place!

1 comment:

  1. They look great as I especially like the orcs skin. Cheers!
