Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Big Space Marine

Below is my first attempt at a true scale Space Marine. I tried to make him as close to the original as possible, whilst trying to keep him reasonably close to the typical view people have of a space marine. To create him I used Terminator parts, space marine parts, plasticard and procreate modelling putty. For a first attempt I am very pleased. He may not be what I had in my minds eye, but he is almost there and will do for now until I get more of my Guard done and I feel the need for a second attempt.

Below is my 360 picture of the completed model. As you can see because he is bigger, I can fit in more details and bits including grenades and purity seals and even some scroll cases hanging off of his backpack.

This picture is a size comparison with a standard Marine.

His legs, arms (including shoulderpads) and top front half of his chest are all from the Terminator kits. The rest are parts from the normal Space Marine kit. To complete him it took a lot of hacking with an incredibly sharp knife and some new skills in modelling with putty and plasticard which I normally never ever use.

Thats me for today, apart from this I tried out my airgun and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. This means that soon I may have the first complete command squad and a Chimera painted of my army... woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Looks good, have you decided on a chapter for him yet?
