Monday, 10 August 2009

Time to get it on!!!

I am back from my busy weekend and now seem to be encompassed with a busy week at work :o(

Unfortunately I am on lates, but I wont let this deter me as I have cleverly set up a painting station in my main room where I have proper lighting and everything... huzzah!

I have also purchased the Demolisher kit, so that is one more model for my growing army. As well as this, I am also making a 'true scale' Space Marine to add to my army as even though I will not be using it, I think it will look very good along side my Imperial Guard as some sort of advisor on lone from the Astartes. So far with the conversion work on it, I have almost got the legs done and have half the upper torso completed. Once I get it smoothed out and ship shape I will take some pics and ost them here.

1 comment:

  1. Do an alpha legion marine, add a bit of corruption into the army :P
