Thursday, 1 October 2009

Small Update

I have decided again to have a brief mix-up from my two primary armies by adding to my pre-existing eldar army. So yesterday I went out and purchase a box of the new Dire Avenger models to see how they differ from my older models.

I must admit that they are quite impressive. a nice number of bits and with a littlecutting here and there, they can be made into some quite impressive models that look as graceful and as swift as eldar are supposed to be.

The following 2 pictures are of my 2 Dire Avenger Exarchs I quickly mashed together.

the following are two models I am really chuffed I managed to pick up from ebay. They are both made by Ronin miniatures and are their (unnoficial) yet strikingly acurate renditions of Sanguinius and Magnus the Red.

Magnus The Red

Both: Notice how big Magnus is compared to poor wee Sanguinius. Saying that, Magnus was supposed to be a Cyclopean giant of tremedous size dwarfing even the emperor, so as far as I am concerned, he is spot on.

All I can say is that these two models are tasty! They really do both look the part. I cannot wait to get Sanguinius painted and I have promise myself that when I get my first 1500pts worth of either my Blood Angels or my Imperial Guard finished completely, I will give my self the privalige of starting my pre-heresy Thousand Sons army including Magnus.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Lack of updates

Sorry for the lack of updates.

I have been busy doing stuff with my Blood Angels and prepping a big gaming board in my friends basement gaming room. It has involved many 40k scenery sets, a Realm of Battle Gaming board and MDF and Styrofoam with a hot wire cutter to boot. So far we almost have 7 tiles just needing a lick of paint and all the buildings are needing is some thin MDF bases and then a quick texture/rubble and a lick of paint.

My Bangles are looking good points wise. I have more than my bare minimum sitting including 2 assault squads, 2 devastator squads, 2 tacticals, 3 dreadnaughts, 1 scout squad with sniper rifles, 1 demolisher, 2 tech marines with thunderfire cannons, an honour guard with jump packs and a standard commander, but I also have commnader Dante on his way as well.

to top all of this off, I have also managed to bag me one of the limited edition (only 500) Sanguinius models that were made. (I also bagged me a limited edition (500) Magnus the Red model as well :) )

As for my Imperial Guard - They are on a temporary hiaitus at the moment. They are fairly labour intensive when it comes to building and painting due to the number of them, so in the interim I will be working with the Marines to learn how to play the game properly again.

I will get some pics taken of the board so far with the scenery on it so you can at least get a look at where my time has been spent (appart from an intensive driving course which I passed :D )

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Bangle's ahoy!

Seeing the new shiney Space Hulk model's I took it upon myself to have a go at painting a Blood Angel up using the paint suggestions in the new White Dwarf magazine.

I must admit I was fairly surprsied with the outcome. I have posted two pictures below, one is without flash and the next is with the flash. Now looking at these, I realise how much better pics will look with a porper light box, so I am going to make one over the next few weeks.
The one on the right is probably closest to what the model looks like, however it is showing imperfections that are not apparent in real life, so its kinda strange. Anyhow's I have some proper troops to test it out on including some assault squads and some heavy weapons teams, so once I get a chance, I will post them here.

For you Imperial Guard fans, fear not, they are still in the pipeline, I am just taking my time with them at present.

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Finally some pics

The following is just a few among the many things I am currently working on. I have been trying to fit too much in i think and the result is that I have a lot in progress, just not anything completely complete. Part of this I think is due to the fact that I am not happy with 'tabletop standard' and I really want to go to town on my stuff, but this will just cause the whole army to never get done.

Anyways heres some pics:

Command Squad Chimera:
Command Squad (almost done)
Valkyrie (did guts first)
Penal Legion (finished converting)
1st Troop Squad (starting painting)
As always, comments and critique accepted.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Deimurg 40k or Dark Heresy box?

Just found these pics on some radom russian site (cant pronounce) of some greys that were seen a GD Germany.

It looks like they are doing Deimurg models and the rumours are they are for a Dark Heresy box set, but the sprues to the left of the models may just show that they may possibly be for a 40k army! As we are unsure, I am leaving it to you to decide, but heres wishing they would bring the biker dorfs back!

Wednesday, 19 August 2009


Well most folks knew it was coming, but we werent 100% sure until Saturday when they finally announced it.

I for one love spacehulk, it was an awesome game and got many of my friends into the hobby, be it via the bordgame or the pc game that was released. Now I am pleased that GW are releasing it, but does it really need to be that expensive? Anyways, the fan in me has placed a pre-order from the official site and I will just have to accept the price and hopefully enjoy the oldschool game that I really enjoyed when I was younger!

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Lackluster update

Well I still havent posted any updated pictures. This is because of various reasons, one of which invloved me having 3 hours of sleep the previous night.

Instead I spent the night giving half of my first 10 man troop squad a lick of basecoat and finishing off the interior of the Valkyrie so that I could actually build it. So now I have the majority of the Valkyrie built (after a falling off a table accident) and that was all I got done last night!

Sunday, 16 August 2009

A semi productive week/weekend

Well this week has been a strange one. I managed to get all of my first command squad almost completed, except the banner on the banner bearer. Once that is finished, some tidying up and a matt varnish coat and all should be fine with them for now.

Aside from that, I played my first 40k game in yonks. It was with the Battle for Black Reach box with a couple of mates John and Johnathan. We used a squad and a commander each and just gave it a bash to see how it went. There were rules mistakes made, but the basic rules were grasped by all and as many people know about me, is that if someone shows me the basics, I generally pick up on the proper rules from the rulebook 100 times easier than trying to read through it all from scratch, so now I feel fairly competent.

With the Black Reach box came the Space Marines and the Orks. Johnathan split the cost with me, so I got the Orks from it and Johnathan got the Space Marines. I made them all up quickly and undercoatd them all in preperation for our first game. I liked the look of the Ork Boss model that much that he even got several coats of paint and freakily enough even thoug it was a rush job, he turned out not too shabby. Unfortunatly this may mean that I have to do a side-line in painted Orks at some point.

John the other player (Sharpy to his mates), hasn't decided upon a 40k army, but does want to play Vampire Counts for Fantasy when we start it.

At the same time as all 3 of us getting back into it, we have managed to talk another mate, Robert into the game as well. However his spending is a little tight at the moment, so will be looking out for a bargain on ebay as he is after some Tau.

On top of all this I have also been sorting up some scenery. I have the realm of battle board coming and several Imperial ruins, but yesterday on a shopping spree to purchase the 40k rulebook, I stumbled upon many bags of blastscape all being underpriced. Noticing this I had to purchase a pack. Yay for ruined spaceship bits!

Added to all of this is some jungle trees from back in the day that have been built for an added bit of scenery.

I will update with more photos either tonight or tomorrow, but until then... keep at it, wont be long before we have a proper little group of 40k and eventually fantasy noobs running around!

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Big Space Marine

Below is my first attempt at a true scale Space Marine. I tried to make him as close to the original as possible, whilst trying to keep him reasonably close to the typical view people have of a space marine. To create him I used Terminator parts, space marine parts, plasticard and procreate modelling putty. For a first attempt I am very pleased. He may not be what I had in my minds eye, but he is almost there and will do for now until I get more of my Guard done and I feel the need for a second attempt.

Below is my 360 picture of the completed model. As you can see because he is bigger, I can fit in more details and bits including grenades and purity seals and even some scroll cases hanging off of his backpack.

This picture is a size comparison with a standard Marine.

His legs, arms (including shoulderpads) and top front half of his chest are all from the Terminator kits. The rest are parts from the normal Space Marine kit. To complete him it took a lot of hacking with an incredibly sharp knife and some new skills in modelling with putty and plasticard which I normally never ever use.

Thats me for today, apart from this I tried out my airgun and was pleasantly surprised with the outcome. This means that soon I may have the first complete command squad and a Chimera painted of my army... woohoo!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Time to get it on!!!

I am back from my busy weekend and now seem to be encompassed with a busy week at work :o(

Unfortunately I am on lates, but I wont let this deter me as I have cleverly set up a painting station in my main room where I have proper lighting and everything... huzzah!

I have also purchased the Demolisher kit, so that is one more model for my growing army. As well as this, I am also making a 'true scale' Space Marine to add to my army as even though I will not be using it, I think it will look very good along side my Imperial Guard as some sort of advisor on lone from the Astartes. So far with the conversion work on it, I have almost got the legs done and have half the upper torso completed. Once I get it smoothed out and ship shape I will take some pics and ost them here.

Thursday, 6 August 2009

A busy extended weekend

From today until Monday I wont be doing any work on my Imperial Guard. Work and a social life have conspired to seperate my minis from me until Sunday, perhaps Monday even.

Stay tuned as I have done some more working on the Valkyrie guts and I also have a built and undercoated Chimera now!!! :)

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

First complete minis and penal legion

Firstly I would like to start by showing you my first two complete guardsmen including bases. They have taken way longer than hoped, but this is in part due to waiting on bases and heads and partly due to me modelling the rest of my force on and off. You may notice in the background the start of a Valkyrie which I am also working on (new plastic vehicles FTW!)
As you can see the bases came out quite well. I added a little static grass to them to just show it peaking through the rubble and I think it went well.
The following is the start of my conversions for my penal legion. Again they will all be wearing masks, but the masks they will be wearing will not be to the quality of the rest of the army, so I am abusing the ones that came with the cadian command sprue and have also ordered some from Pig Iron Productions again. I decided to use the imperial missionary as the squad leader and with a little conversion I think he looks the part.

As you can see from the following pictures, I have used both Catachan and WFB Flagellent parts to form the basis for my Penal Legion troops. These are great as some of them have chains and the like hanging from their wrists and around their necks and I think this really works well. I also couldnt resist using the fully helmed flagellent head as well as it does look rather funky.

My next job will be to get the rest of the command squad and my 2 basic squads undercoated and started on and to also get the Valkyrie finished, as a finished tank is always something nice to look at.
Once these are done, I am left with the following:
6 Heavy Weapons Teams
2x10 Troops
1x5 Command Squad
1x Commissar
1x Chimera
1x Baneblade
2x Armoured Sentinels's
Once these are all done I have a command squad to go for the Company command, but I want these to be special so will convert and model on some details to make them really stand out. I may also have to buy Lord Castellan Creed and convert him and some more Chimera's and some other tanks, but I will cross that bridge when I get to it.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009


This is my basic troop type. As you can see I got some masked helmets from Pig Iron Productions to help my troops have the 'poisonous' world feel to them. I think this basic yet simple change along with the shiny bases I have will make a nice difference to the force.
This is what my command squads will look like. As you can see the helmets are different from the basic troopers, this is firstly to distinguish them from them and also to show the fact that basic guards are just grunts and get basic equipment. These helmets look more sophisticated than the ones above and I personally like the look.
My Commander is painted in the same manner. I have been testing with inks to see what kind of mud effects I can do to their clothing, but so far I am not too pleased, so I can see this changing soon. I am also trying battle damage to the armor areas, but so far I am not too happy with the results. Oh the woe of coming back to painting after such a long time off.
As of 1pm today, I am off until Thursday, so hopefully I will get some serious modelling and painting on. The resin bases are allready sitting in a bowl of soapy water, so they should be ready by the time I get home today to start on them.
Until later... peace out! (Kinda ironic for a blog about wargaming)

Monday, 3 August 2009

Woohoo Bases

I am terrible at converting and modelling my own fancy bases. Its not that I cant do it, its more of a case of can I really be arsed, which is bad, but its the truth.

This being the case, last week I made and order for some fantastic resin bases from a really good Australian company called Back 2 Base-ix. These bad boys arrived through the post today so I will be able to get them painted up and my first two test models will be completed (almost). This is good news for me because as far as I am concerned, an army isnt started until you have a complete model done.

For those of you wanting to check out the bases, go to: or failing that, wait until I have prepped and painted some of them.

Welcome to my Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard army blog.

I'd like to welcome everyone who happens by this blog. It may not look like much to begin with but this is a first for me.

I am currently building my first Imperial Guard army for Warhammer 40k and this blog is to show my progress as I slowly work through collecting, modelling, converting, painting and eventually playing with my army.

My Army is going to be The Yersinia First, my own Imperial Guard company based on a world where poisonous gases encompase almost all of their homeworld. This being the case, it makes for building an interesting army as every character will be wearing some form of mask to show this fact and I think it will make for an overall interesting army.

I have started painting a few test models and will be posting pictures soon so you can see where I am going with my army.