Well this week has been a strange one. I managed to get all of my first command squad almost completed, except the banner on the banner bearer. Once that is finished, some tidying up and a matt varnish coat and all should be fine with them for now.
Aside from that, I played my first 40k game in yonks. It was with the Battle for Black Reach box with a couple of mates John and Johnathan. We used a squad and a commander each and just gave it a bash to see how it went. There were rules mistakes made, but the basic rules were grasped by all and as many people know about me, is that if someone shows me the basics, I generally pick up on the proper rules from the rulebook 100 times easier than trying to read through it all from scratch, so now I feel fairly competent.
With the Black Reach box came the Space Marines and the Orks. Johnathan split the cost with me, so I got the Orks from it and Johnathan got the Space Marines. I made them all up quickly and undercoatd them all in preperation for our first game. I liked the look of the Ork Boss model that much that he even got several coats of paint and freakily enough even thoug it was a rush job, he turned out not too shabby. Unfortunatly this may mean that I have to do a side-line in painted Orks at some point.
John the other player (Sharpy to his mates), hasn't decided upon a 40k army, but does want to play Vampire Counts for Fantasy when we start it.
At the same time as all 3 of us getting back into it, we have managed to talk another mate, Robert into the game as well. However his spending is a little tight at the moment, so will be looking out for a bargain on ebay as he is after some Tau.
On top of all this I have also been sorting up some scenery. I have the realm of battle board coming and several Imperial ruins, but yesterday on a shopping spree to purchase the 40k rulebook, I stumbled upon many bags of blastscape all being underpriced. Noticing this I had to purchase a pack. Yay for ruined spaceship bits!
Added to all of this is some jungle trees from back in the day that have been built for an added bit of scenery.
I will update with more photos either tonight or tomorrow, but until then... keep at it, wont be long before we have a proper little group of 40k and eventually fantasy noobs running around!