Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Oh no, a 3rd blog perhaps?

Well I got a model itch whilst working on my imperial guard and my chaos warriors and next thing I know, im painting Warmachine.

Yes ive dug out the old Warmachine models and I must say, I still love the look of them, they are still so gorgeous. As you can see below ive gone with Cryx.

Look out soon for a third blog.

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Hi guys, I am still working on my Imperial Guard, but at presnt its on a bi-daily basis as every other day is currently involving me working on my Warhammer Fantasy Battle Warriors Of Chaos army.

If you are interested please visit:

Monday, 12 July 2010

Airbrush Ho!

I constantly prattle on about using my airbrush. Its not that im addicted to prattling on about it, its just that I cant stress enough how much easier and quicker it makes painting.

For example if you take a look at the previous blog post I undercoated a Leman Russ Punisher, a Stormlord, 5 guardsmen and a heavy weapons team.

Now if I wanted to put down the basecoat of colour by brush on to all of these, I would still be painting them at 10pm tonight. Honestly it would take me that long and I guarantee i'd be considering another coat or two just to even out the colour. Sheesh if I was being really honest, the Stormlord alone would take me that long!

So I dug out, my airbrush and compressor earlier today. Well I say I dug them out, thats not true. I got my aunt to do it as lifting all that kit is a surefire way to upset my surgery site and pull all the mending muscles and flesh.

Once dug out I proceeded to see how long it would take to lay down my initial layer of paint onto my models...............

30 minutes!

Thats right, it took me 30 minutes to do the lot and that also included a clean of the airbrush in the middle so the paint didnt dry in all the internals of it.

Now below is just a quick snap of the models with the first layer of colour airbrushed on. For troops it helps me get the layer of colour on that takes the longest. Of course the rest will be done by hand, but its still faster this way.

The tanks however... WOW. They have a nice coat and because the airbrush is controlled you can see shading and highlights on it allready and that is before I even apply a lighter colour to the model.

One thing I am also able to do is apply a dirt spray to the lower half of the tanks, I havent done this yet, but that will be next after I have applied the highlights.

At last a dry non-windy day!

Firstly I took some 'natural light' pics of my two almost completed tanks, my almost completed command squad and my almost completed 'first 5' of my Troop Squad 1.

On to the undercoated models, firstly my Stormlord:

Leman Russ Punisher:

Troop Squad 2 (1/2):

Command HQ Heavy Weapons team:

Sunday, 11 July 2010

So I set too work on my command Chimera today. Its slow work but at present I am trying to get it to a point where it looks not bad on the board. I do have plans to put some serious effort into making it stand out, but I think i'm just going to use it as a company command Chimera and put some converting etc into the force commands Chimera.

Please note there is still a lot to be done.

This is the company markings I plan for my force:

A alos built my tank commander model today. As you can see the tank commander is sticking out the top of the Leman Russ Punisher. I have plans to convert and stick loads of extras on to make this stand out, but this will do fo now as allows me to play games with mates (unpainted).

No sponson weapons are attached as I plan to have these swappable.

Saturday, 10 July 2010

Executioner - Battle Ready

Technically this model is not complete. I have to apply a matt undercoat before I can add transfers and weathering effects. I have the Forgeworld painting guide and it has some fantastic advice for doing this so I plan to do that once the weather does not involve rain or strong winds.

However is as complete as it needs to be for gaming purposes at the moment.

Now if i'm honest i'm not happy with it 100%. I drybrushed the brown on to the model as it was the quickest method at the time. This works to get batches of models done fast, but is no good for making the overall model look good.
The good news is that I have an airbrush now so applying paint, shading and applying dirt/weathering effects should be a lot easier. I also invested in a load of weathering powders as well so am going to use this as a test for the weathering affects.
Sta tuned as hopefully before the end of the week I will have an airbrushed tank in progress to show the differences.

Friday, 9 July 2010

And again

I know right! Aliens have taken the real me and replaced me with someone who updates his blog. Not only that, they have replaced me with someone who can update several times in one day as well.

Jokes aside, the new Warhammerrules are seriously saucy. If you play Warhammer, go out and buy them just so you ca drool at all the nice changes that are going to allow you to field armies you will actually look forward to playing.

Now the update:

I've added company marking to my Leman Russ Executioner and have also done further work on it. The flash on my camera seems to fade out a lot of the real life colour, but you get the idea. I still plan to add grime, dirt and paint chips but I am very pleased with its current position. I think ill put another coat on he company markings, but not tonight as im painted out for one day.

I still also have to add the obligitary transfers to make the whole model look complete, but these will be done after the matt undercoat and grime are added so that they dont react funny to the undercoat. Once on I will also do some sneaky paint tricks I learned to make the transfers not look like transfers.

Its a miracle!

Another update not in a month but in a single day.

Had to update to show you what arrived:

It s so sexy. Big thick pages a gorgeous cover and a nice metal clasp and emblam on the front . I have spent an hour perusing the pages (of my normal copy) and all I can say is the rules look promising. They also gave a lookie at the new named demon characters that are due out with the re-issue of the Chaos Demons. All I will say is they look gorgeous!

Next I finally found my Forgeworld Avatar model. This means I have something small to practice my resin painting on (I have an eldar super heavy and Revenant titan sitting). However it also meant I could attach him to the super sexy resin bases I bought for my eldar force.

You have to admit, they do look sexy and close up they are rally detailed as well.
Just so you Imperial Guard fans dont feel left out, I have also been doing some work on one of my tanks. I decided to try a bt of OSL for the plasma generator at the back. Any comments or criticisms are most welcome!

Slow, slow progress

Firstly I have been sortng up my 'True Scale' Space Wolves. I think I am finally happy with a quick and easy way of doing a 1000pt force of them true to fluff scale.

As you can see the Long Fangs are considerably bigger than the Imperial Guard. Whats weird though is the third from the right is a normal basic marine that I did my first test scaling on and it turns out he is not much bigger than the second from the right which is the new space wolve sprues. It seems GW have upped the size of their newer marines.

I think scale wise my Long Fangs are averaging about 9ft in height compared to the guardsman, so I am happy with this.

For any that wish to use, I use plasticard and greystuff to do the re-modelling.

This is the first 5 of one of my basic troop squads. I am trying for a quick and easy paint scheme that looks good on the table and can allow for further 'detailing' later on when I actually have a painted force to play with.

My company command is almost completely finished (for now). I have to do some more work on the banner, but it is only a bit of highlighting with white and the company names on the banner.

I do plan to expand this squad later on and intend to add a heavy weapons team as well. They do have a chimera sitting for them as it stands, but like many other things I need t complete it.

My Valkyrie has undergone further painting. The internals are all done (pic to follow in a few days) and I am working on getting the outside done so I can call it complete. I opted to paint the ejection seats in the cockpit a deep red colour as I think it stands out from the drab air force grey I am going for.

I was unsure how to do the engines, but after a good rummage through & I have an idea in mind on how to progress.

Stay tuned as I am currently of sick after an operation that didnt go planned so I have a reasonable amount of time to give my painting a good go.
That is of course if my concentration keeps up!