Saturday, 10 July 2010

Executioner - Battle Ready

Technically this model is not complete. I have to apply a matt undercoat before I can add transfers and weathering effects. I have the Forgeworld painting guide and it has some fantastic advice for doing this so I plan to do that once the weather does not involve rain or strong winds.

However is as complete as it needs to be for gaming purposes at the moment.

Now if i'm honest i'm not happy with it 100%. I drybrushed the brown on to the model as it was the quickest method at the time. This works to get batches of models done fast, but is no good for making the overall model look good.
The good news is that I have an airbrush now so applying paint, shading and applying dirt/weathering effects should be a lot easier. I also invested in a load of weathering powders as well so am going to use this as a test for the weathering affects.
Sta tuned as hopefully before the end of the week I will have an airbrushed tank in progress to show the differences.

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