I know right! Aliens have taken the real me and replaced me with someone who updates his blog. Not only that, they have replaced me with someone who can update several times in one day as well.
Jokes aside, the new Warhammerrules are seriously saucy. If you play Warhammer, go out and buy them just so you ca drool at all the nice changes that are going to allow you to field armies you will actually look forward to playing.
Now the update:
I've added company marking to my Leman Russ Executioner and have also done further work on it. The flash on my camera seems to fade out a lot of the real life colour, but you get the idea. I still plan to add grime, dirt and paint chips but I am very pleased with its current position. I think ill put another coat on he company markings, but not tonight as im painted out for one day.
I still also have to add the obligitary transfers to make the whole model look complete, but these will be done after the matt undercoat and grime are added so that they dont react funny to the undercoat. Once on I will also do some sneaky paint tricks I learned to make the transfers not look like transfers.
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