Friday, 9 July 2010

Slow, slow progress

Firstly I have been sortng up my 'True Scale' Space Wolves. I think I am finally happy with a quick and easy way of doing a 1000pt force of them true to fluff scale.

As you can see the Long Fangs are considerably bigger than the Imperial Guard. Whats weird though is the third from the right is a normal basic marine that I did my first test scaling on and it turns out he is not much bigger than the second from the right which is the new space wolve sprues. It seems GW have upped the size of their newer marines.

I think scale wise my Long Fangs are averaging about 9ft in height compared to the guardsman, so I am happy with this.

For any that wish to use, I use plasticard and greystuff to do the re-modelling.

This is the first 5 of one of my basic troop squads. I am trying for a quick and easy paint scheme that looks good on the table and can allow for further 'detailing' later on when I actually have a painted force to play with.

My company command is almost completely finished (for now). I have to do some more work on the banner, but it is only a bit of highlighting with white and the company names on the banner.

I do plan to expand this squad later on and intend to add a heavy weapons team as well. They do have a chimera sitting for them as it stands, but like many other things I need t complete it.

My Valkyrie has undergone further painting. The internals are all done (pic to follow in a few days) and I am working on getting the outside done so I can call it complete. I opted to paint the ejection seats in the cockpit a deep red colour as I think it stands out from the drab air force grey I am going for.

I was unsure how to do the engines, but after a good rummage through & I have an idea in mind on how to progress.

Stay tuned as I am currently of sick after an operation that didnt go planned so I have a reasonable amount of time to give my painting a good go.
That is of course if my concentration keeps up!

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